Usage of Qmailadmin

1. What is Qmailadmin?
2. Go to Qmailadmin
3. How to create a new email account ?
4. How to create a new email forward ?
5. How to create an auto-reply?
6. Setting Up Email quota
7. Modifying email account password
8. Modifying administrator password
9. What is Remote Catch All?

1. What is Qmailadmin ?

Qmailadmin is a user-friendly management tool for user to create, modify and detele email accounts. It also enable users to setup email quota, email forward and auto-reply.

2. Go to Qmailadmin


e.g. If your domain name is, you may type in your broswer. And type the following information :

User Account :
Domain Name :
Password :
admin password

What is Postmaster?

Postmaster is an account for administrator to manage email setting. It is not for sending and receiving emails and it cannot be deleted.

Other email user

Except the administrator, other email user can login to qmailadmin using their own password to setup its own password or forward etc. For example, if you email address is, you may enter :

User Account :
Domain Name :
Password :
email address password
After login, you will see the screen :

3. How to create a new email account ?

a.) Click Quick link "New Email Accounts" in the main menu.

b.) Fill in the information as the followings :

c.) Press Button "Add" to create a account.

4. How to create new email forward ?

2 types of email forward: A) Undefined email account forward
  B) Defined email account forward

A) Undefined email account forward

a.) Click Quick link "New Forwards" in the main menu

b.) Enter the information as below :

c.) Click Button "Add" and complete


B) defined email account forward

a.) Click Email Account in the main menu, choose the defined email account and click "Modify User"

b.) Choose the "Forward To" radio button and enter the email address in the field and click button "<Modify User>" as below :

* More than 1 email forward can be seperated by a comma "," .
* User can receive emails from own and forward email address if "Save a Copy" is enabled

5. How to create an auto-reply ?

An auto-reply means that there will be an automatic email reply to the email sender. And the email subject and content can be defined by the user.

2 types of auto-reply : A) undefined email account auto-reply

B) defined email account auto-reply

A) undefined email account auto-reply

a.) Click Quick link "New Mail Robot" in the main menu

b.) Enter the information as below :

* "Send Copy to": is a extra copy to a specifed email address.

c.) Click Button "Modify User" and complete


B) defined email account auto-reply

a.) Click Email Account in the main menu, choose the defined email account and click "Modify User"

b.) check the "Vacation" radio button and enter the Vacation Subject (Email Subject) and Vacation Message (Email Content) and click button "<Modify User>" as below :

c.) Click Button "Modify User" and complete


6. Setting up Email quota

a.) Administrator can apply Quota (MB) for the email account.

b.) Or administrator can update user's email quota by modifying user detail as below:

c.) Adminsistrator can setup independent quota for each email account or setup shared quota.

unlimited - representing shared quota among email accounts

100 - representing 100MB

7. Modifying email account password


a.) Click "Email Account" in the main menu and click modify user.

b.) Enter the field "New Password" and "Password (again)" and click the buttom <Modify User>.

Email User

a.) Login to Qmailadmin using own email adress information, if your email address is, you may need to input :

User Account :
Domain Name :
Password :
email address password

b.) Enter the field "New Password" and "Password (again)" and click the buttom <Modify User>.

8. Modifying administrator password

As the "postmaster" is the administrator account, administrator can update its password by modify the postmaster password same as a normal email account.

9. What is Remote Catch All ?

Administrator can setup this function by clicking the hyperlink "Set remote catch all account", and it help to redirect all the emails to a user-defined email address when the email message is sending to a non-exist email account within the same domain. Please noted that it is not suggested to use as it may increase the number of spam mail to your email account.